Gaodetec Equipment is a concrete shotcrete machine supplier and manufacturer for 20 years. The concrete shotcrete machine is mainly divided into two c...
Multi-purpose squeez hose pump is a new, versatile, multi-purpose industrial pump developed with advanced technology. It can be used in chemical, petr...
Self-locking hydraulic jacks are mainly used in applications where heavy loads are required for long periods of time. When hydraulics is removed, they...
There are two common types of cement foaming agents, vegetable cement foaming agents and animal cement foaming agents. The following small series will...
If only one ultra-thin hydraulic cylinder is used at one end of the lifting weight, the hydraulic jack should be placed on the axis of symmetry of the...
The industrial hose pump for construction has excellent characteristics, such as no seal, no valve, dry operation without damage, no contact between t...
Cell concrete making machine is more and more popular all over the world. Cell concrete making machine can be used to make cell concrete houses, cell ...